Page 189 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 189

                                                                                                                                                  ᖵ    Crafts

                                                                                   ݋ئݴਹ(ʬ)  The Starry Galaxy(6)  80Ò100cm  2022  ဒ೥  Laquer Painting

                                     ૑᳄⒜             2005ϋৎ4ϣᐏ੻˚͉ͩʇ਷ყဒᖵ࢝ɝ                   Liang, Zhi-Wei
                                                     ፯dʕ਷၅ψୋ1e2֣ପุၚۜ௹ᚎึვሧ                   Mr. Liang’s artwork won the Judges’ Award many times at the Japan
                                     1971.07.21                                             Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition in 2005, 2009, 2012 and 2014. He
                                                                                            also won the Silver Award at the 1st and 2nd China Fuzhou Cross-Straits
                                     (H)04-22767974   ശʈᖵၚۜᆤЪۜఃሥვሧe؇ජ਷ყ˝ᎉ                   Copyright (Creation) Industries Expo Fair in 2010 and 2011, the Quality
                                     (O)0912-309918  ௹ᚎึЎ೙ᆤ਷ყʈᖵၚۜᆤf2015ϋୋ9                  Award and Sliver Award at the 2014 Taiwan Good Crafts Award, and the
                                     (M)0937-789149  ֣ᒵ਷૶ψ਷ყʈᖵᕐϋ࢝f2016ϋၽᝄʈ                  Irene Excellence Award at the 2014 Dongyang Wood Carving Expo and the
                                                                                            International Prize at the International Craft Fair. He participated in the 2015
                                                     ᖵᘩᒄෂ୕ʈᖵଡ଼ԳЪfୋ9֣ऎࢠՇ֦(ข                   Cheongju International Craft Biennale. He won Merit Award in Traditional
                                                     ژ)˖ʷପุ௹ᚎʹ׸ึʕശʈᖵၚۜᆤ௰                    Crafts at the 2016 Taiwan Crafts Competition, and Best Skills Award at
                                                                                            Chinese Crafts Excellence Award at the 9th Cross-Strait (Xiamen) Cultural
                                                     ԳҦᖵᆤf2017ϋୋ10֣ऎࢠՇ֦(ขژ)˖                Industry Expo, and Bronze Prize at Chinese Crafts Excellence Award at the
                                                     ʷପุ௹ᚎʹ׸ึʕശʈᖵၚۜᆤ(ზᆤ)d                   10th Cross-Strait (Xiamen) Cultural Industry Expo in 2017. He won the First
                                                                                            Prize at the Nanying Awards (crafts category) in 2018, and won the Judges’
                                                                                            Award at the 2019 Kogei World Competition in Kanazawa “4th International
                                                     ዣ˰ޢʈᖵᘩᒄ˜ୋ4֣਷ყʈᖵɧϋ࢝™                    Triennale Kogei in Kanazawa” and 2nd Prize at the 24th Da Dun Fine Arts
                                                     ɝ፯eୋ24֣ɽᄧߕ࢝ୋɚΤf                        Exhibtion of Taichung City.                        187
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