Page 194 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 194
ஃૣhږ، Opulence Golden Branches-Lotus Shaped Teapot Set 14Ò74.5Ò32cm 2024 ௗନeߴࣱɺ Ceramics, Miaoli Clay
؍౽ⅳ ͭၽᝄᖵஔɽኪᎉ෧ӻd2012ϋΌ Lin, Zhi-Bin
ߕஔ࢝ᎉ෧ᗳვᆤd2016ϋୋ6֣ Mr. Lin graduated from the National Taiwan University of Arts Department of
1978.08.29 Sculpture. In 2012, he won the silver medal at the National Art Exhibition, ROC.
In 2016, he also won the silver medal at the 6th Taiwan International Gold
ʈᖵᘩᒄᆤd2020ϋɽᄧߕ࢝ʈᖵ Teapot Award. Then, in 2020, he won the first place prize at the Taiwan Craft
ᗳᆤf Competition and the Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung City.