Page 25 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 25

                                                                                                                                                  ੹    Ink Painting

                                                                                                             ථ੢࠭ᓬ  Cascading Waterfall  60Ò76cm  2024

                                     ҽᘆځ                2015ϋ࿲ᐏၽʕ̹༟ଉᎴӸߕஔ࢕dӊ                   Li, Li-Fen
                                                        ϋաᒗਞ̋ԭ୚ԭ˥ኈ೥ʹݴ࢝eӊϋਞ                    Ms. Li received an Outstanding Senior Artist Award from the Taichung
                                     1949.08.21                                               City Government in 2015. Every year, she participates in the Asia Ink
                                                                                              Painting Exchange Exhibition, International Cultural Exchange Exhibition,
                                     402014 ၽʕ̹یਜ       ࢝eၽʕ̹຅˾ᖵஔ࢕ᒗሗ࢝eၽʕ̹ɾ                    Taichung City Exhibition of Contemporary Artists, Taichung City Female
                                     ూጳ༩2ݬ108ʘ3໮        ׌ᖵஔ࢕ᒗሗ࢝ʿॲГᚆ਷ყᑌ࢝ഃfତ                    Artists Invitational Exhibition, and New Zealand International Joint
                                                        ΂ၽᝄᖵஔ࢕՘ึୋ5֣ଣԫڗeၽᝄᔼࢪ                   Exhibition, etc. She is currently the 5th Chairperson of the Taiwan Artist
                                                                                              Association, President of the Association of Wives of Doctors in Taiwan,
                                                        ˃ɛʹݴ՘ึึڗʿၽᝄ޲ࣣ೥࢕՘ึ࿲                    and Honorary President of the Taiwan Provincial Artist Association.
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