Page 70 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 70

਷Ѝ˂࠰  Divine Beauty, Heavenly Fragrance  59Ò59cm  2024

                                ϡ׀ۇ                 ଭุ׵਷ͭၽᝄࢪᇍɽኪߕஔ޼                Zhu, Zhong-Yong
                                                    Ӻה਷೥௴Ъଡ଼dତ΂ၽʕɓʕ                Mr. Zhu holds a M.F.A. degree in Traditional Chinese Painting Studies from National
                                1970.09.26                                        Taiwan Normal University. Currently, he is an art teacher at National Taichung
                                                                                  First Senior High School and an adjunct instructor at the Department of Fine Arts,
                                407033 ၽʕ̹Гˊਜ       ᑺࢪd⿏ᙚو৷ʕߕஔሙ͉˴                 National Changhua University of Education. He is also editor-in-chief of the Ou-
                                ശࢀ܍؇ʞғ10໮           ᇜf࿲ᐏ઺ԃ௅ୋ1֣ᖵஔ઺ԃ                Hsing art textbook. He won the First Arts Education Contribution Award from the
                                                    ্ᘠᆤfᑘ፬ࡈ࢝7ϣeᑌ࢝ᅰ                Ministry of Education. He has held seven solo exhibitions and participated in dozens
                                                                                  of joint exhibitions.
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