Page 66 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 66

ց̹ɛ͛  Life in the Nightmarket  68Ò68cm  2024

                                ᄎ˖൮                 Ό਷ߕஔ࢝਷೥ୋɓΤdΌ޲ߕ                Liu, Wen-Gui
                                                    ࢝਷೥ୋɓeɚΤdၽ̹̏ߕ                 Mr. Liu received: First Prize in chinese ink category at the National Art Exhibition,
                                1967.02.23                                        ROC, First and Second Prizes at the Taiwan Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition, First
                                                                                  Prize at the Taipei City Art Exhibition, First Prize at the National Creative Chinese
                                (H)04-22030540      ɓΤdୋ1֣ɽᄧߕ࢝ذ೥ᗳᎴ                Ink Painting Awards, and an Award of Merit in oil painting category at the 1st Da
                                (M)0979-113323      ፯dତ΂ʕၽ߅Ҧɽኪਓ઺બd                Dun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung City. Now he is an associate professor at
                                403465 ၽʕ̹Гਜ                                      Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology; he was also a part-time
                                ʞᛆʞ൑178໮9ᅽʘ2        ಀ΂ၽᝄᖵஔɽኪe਷ͭၽʕ઺                associate professor at the National Taiwan University of Arts and the National
                                                    ԃɽኪߕஔӻࡒ΂ਓ઺બf                  Taichung University of Education’s Department of Fine Arts.

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