Page 63 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 63

                                                                                                                                                  ੹    Ink Painting

                                                                                                     ܑΈ  A Subtle Light  60Ò60cm  2024

                                     ҽᅆ࠺                 ̋ψɽኪݡдഺʱࣧᖵஔኪɻd̋ψ                 Lee, Hui-Chien
                                                         ψͭɽኪݾӄᐢʱࣧணࠇ၂ɻd2021               Ms. Lee held a BA degree in Art from the University of California, Berkeley.
                                     1965.12.06                                           She also held a Master's degree of Design from California State University, Los
                                                                                          Angeles. She has participated in the 11th Taichung Artist's Relay Exhibition in
                                     (M)0963-452388      ࢕ટɢ࢝˥ኈᗳd2018ϋɝ፯ၽᝄอ               2021. In 2018, she won the award of merit of the Taiwan Emerging Art Awards.
                                                         Ⴖߕஔᆤd88ϋ˖ᖵ֙ၽʕጤߕ࢝ᙲ                In 1999, she had won 3rd Place in the Photography Category of the Taichung
                                                         ᅂᗳୋɧΤdࡈ࢝12ϣf                     City Art Exhibition. She has held 12 solo exhibitions so far.

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