Page 80 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 80

ಌၚήᜳ  Faries from the Forest and Gnomes from the Earth  51Ò71cm

                                ؍݋ശ               ˚͉਷ͭжࢫ઺ԃɽኪᖵஔ઺ԃ၂                  Lin, Xing-Hua
                                                  ɻd׼݋ɽኪːଣ઺ԃኪ˖ኪɻd                  Ms. Lin holds a M.A. in Art Education from Hyogo University of Teacher Education
                                1932.11.07                                         and a B.A. in Psychology Education from Meisei University, both in Japan. Since
                                                                                   1951, she has periodically participated in and won awards at the Taiwan Provincial
                                                  ᆤ)eၽජߕ࢝(ୋ16֣ၽජᆤeୋ54              Fine Arts Exhibition (Chairman’s Prize at the 10th), Tai-Yang Art Exhibition (Tai-Yang
                                                  ʿ55֣ვ೐ᆤ)ʿୋ8֣ʮ઺ߕ࢝ᐏ                Award at the 16th, and Silver Prize at the 54th and 55th), and Golden Certificate
                                                  ᆤږᆤًf1997ϋၽʕ̹༟ଉᎴӸ                at the 8th Taiwan Provincial Civil Officers Art Exhibition. She also received an
                                                                                   Outstanding Senior Artist Award from the Taichung City Government in 1997 and is
                                                  ߕஔ࢕dତމ̨ᝄᇭ੹೥՘ึ൙ᙄ                  currently a juror for the Taiwan Gouache Painting Association.
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