Page 271 - Modernfold Architectural Products
P. 271
10 22 26 Operable Partitions
of finishes available by architect. Verification widths. All panel horizontal and vertical
samples will be available in same thickness and framing members shall be fabricated from
material indicated for the work. aluminum extrusions and mechanically
E. Reports: Provide a complete and unedited written fastened. Frame shall be designed to minimize
sound test report indicating glass thickness and exposure on face of panels.
spacing in test specimen matches product as 3. Panel Faces:
submitted. a. 5/16-inch (8 mm) clear glass on one face,
mechanically fastened and sealed in
A. Clearly mark packages and panels with b. 3/8-inch (9.5 mm) clear glass on one
numbering systems used on Shop Drawings. Do face, mechanically fastened and sealed
not use permanent markings on panels. in frame.
B. Protect panels during delivery, storage, and c. Glass Type: Tempered, complying with
handling to comply with manufacturer’s direction ASTM C1036, ASTM C1048, CPSC 16 CFR
and as required to prevent damage. 1201 Categories 1 & 2, and ANSI Z97.1.
4. Glass Finish (select one):
1.6 WARRANTY a. Clear tempered
A. Provide written warranty by manufacturer of b. Low-iron tempered
operable partitions agreeing to repair or replace c. Frosted tempered
any components with manufacturing defects. d. Clear tempered - high STC
B. Warranty period: Two (2) years. e. Low-iron tempered - high STC
f. Frosted tempered - high STC
PART 2 – PRODUCTS 5. Panel Trim: Pre-finished aluminum to protect
edge of glass in one of the following finishes
A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with a. Clear Anodized
requirements, provide product by the following: b. Satin Stainless Anodized
1. Modernfold, Inc. c. White Powder Coat (RAL 9016)
B. Products: Subject to compliance with d. Black Powder Coat (RAL 9004)
requirements, provide the following product: e. RAL “Classic” (Solid collection) Powder
1. Acousti-Clear Automatic Seal – Paired Panel Coat available (Sherwin Williams’
- Manually operated and manually activated Powdura Super Durable TGIC Free
paired panel operable partition. Polyesters) provided in one of the
following (select one):
2.2 OPERATION 1. Gloss finish (80°-85° gloss)
A. Acousti-Clear Automatic Seal – Paired Panel: 2. Satin finish (30° gloss)
Series of paired flat panels hinged together in 6. Acoustical ratings of panels with this
pairs, manually operated, manually activated, construction achieve Sound Transmission Class
top supported with automatic top and bottom of (see below) minimum STC when tested in
seals. accordance with ASTM E90 and classified in
B. Final Closure (select one): accordance with ASTM E413.
1. Horizontally expanding panel edge with a. 45 STC
removable crank. b. 51 STC
2. Pivot panel B. Solid (Non-Glass) Panels:
a. Hardware – Satin Stainless Steel Finish 1. Type: Acousti-Clear Automatic Seal –
(select one): Solid Panel.
1. Non-locking Lever (Handle mounted 2. Nominal 4-inch (100 mm) thick panels in
in vertical rail not acceptable) manufacturer’s standard 48-inch (1220 mm)
2. Locking Lever (Handle mounted in widths. All panel horizontal and vertical
vertical rail not acceptable) framing members shall be fabricated from
3. Non-locking Rail Handle aluminum extrusions and mechanically
4. Locking Rail Handle fastened. Frame shall be designed to minimize
exposure on face of panels.
2.3 PANEL CONSTRUCTION 3. Panel Faces: 3/8-inch (9.5 mm) thick medium
A. Glass Panels density fiberboard, mechanically fastened
1. Type: Acousti-Clear Automatic seal – Glass. and sealed in frame.
2. Nominal 4-inch (100 mm) thick panels in 4. Panel Finishes:
manufacturer’s standard 48-inch (1220 mm) a. High pressure plastic laminate on MDF
2 Please contact your local Modernfold distributor for further assistance, or visit our website at