Page 350 - Modernfold Architectural Products
P. 350
Modernfold GWS SR-DRS/TR-DRS Technical Data
10 22 26 (10650) Operable Partitions
sizes to form an assembled system of dimensions
1.6 WARRANTY indicated on Drawings, and verified by field
A. Manufacturer’s Special Project Warranty measurements.
on Glass Panels: Provide written warranty 1. Maximum panel width: 48-inches (1219 mm)
signed by the manufacturer of glass operable 2. Standard rail thickness: 1-7/8-inches (48 mm)
partitions agreeing to replace those panels with C. Top and Bottom Rails: Continuous two-piece
manufacturing defects. assemblies with removable end caps. Rails fasten
1. Manufacturing defects are defined as any together from alternate sides of partition allowing
defect materially obstructing vision through for field adjustment to job site conditions. Snap-
the glass, and mechanical failure of hardware on covers are furnished to facilitate installation.
which prevents the proper operation of the D. Bottom Rail Locking System: Engage adjacent
panels after appropriate installation. panels by use of interlocking floor bolts to stabilize
2. Warranty period: One (1) year from date of panels from movement in all directions.
installation. 1. Equip a minimum of one end panel with a
brass, mortised lock allowing for cylinder and/
PART 2 - PRODUCTS or thumb turn operation. Round bolts engage
dust-proof floor strikes for security.
2.1 MANUFACTURERS, PRODUCTS, AND OPERATION 2. Pivot panels to have mortised cylinder with key
A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with and thumb turn.
requirements, provide products by one of the 3. Intermediate panels to have interconnecting
following: floor bolts.
1. Modernfold, Inc. 4. Lead panels to have mortised cylinder with
B. Products: Subject to compliance with the thumb turn.
requirements, provide one of the following E. Fully Framed (Optional): Extruded aluminum
products: vertical stiles measuring 1-7/8 inch (48 mm) by
1. Modernfold Glass Wall Model 362SR-DRS with 1-1/8 inch (29 mm) with a minimum wall thickness
3.62-inch (92 mm) square top and bottom rails. of .118-inch (3 mm). Vertical stile shall have
2. Modernfold Glass Wall Model 362TR-DRS with integral channel to accept Dri-Fit Gasket on any
3.62-inch (92 mm) tapered top and bottom rails. surface that contacts glass. Stile shall have an
3. Modernfold Glass Wall Model 600SR-DRS with exterior integral channel capable of accepting
6-inch (152 mm) square bottom rail and either wool-pile or rubber gasket weather
3.62-inch (92 mm) square top rail. stripping if required. Stile shall be continuous and
4. Modernfold Glass Wall Model 1000SR-DRS with run the entire length of the panel covering both
10-inch (254 mm) square bottom rail and rails and glass edge. Stile mechanically fastened
3.62-inch (92 mm) square top rail. to both top and bottom rails. Silicone applied
stiles are not acceptable.
A. Manually operated and top-supported series of 2.4 MATERIALS
individual glass panels. Panels use two-piece, A. Aluminum: Alloy and temper recommended by
clamp-on top and bottom rail that fastens aluminum producer and finisher for type of use,
together from alternating sides. corrosion resistance, and finish indicated; ASTM
1. Final closure (Select one): B221 (ASTM B221M) for extrusions; manufacturer’s
a. Pivot panel standard strengths and thicknesses for type of
b. Standard intermediate panel ending use.
within storage pocket, or at face of B. Glass Type: Tempered, 1/2-inch (13 mm)
storage pocket complying with safety standards specified in ANSI
Z97.1 CPSC16, CFR1201, ASTM C1036 and ASTM
A. Provide top reinforcement as required to C. Glass Finish (choose one):
support panel from suspension components 1. Clear tempered
and provide reinforcement for hardware 2. Low-iron tempered
attachment. Fabricate panels with concealed 3. Frosted tempered
fasteners. Finished in-place partition shall be 4. Markerboard Low-iron tempered “Polar White”
rigid, level, plumb, aligned with uniform joints D. Panel weight: 7.5 lbs./square foot
and appearance; free of bow, warp, twist,
deformation, and surface and finish irregularities. 2.5 PANEL FINISHES
B. Dimensions: Fabricate operable glass panel A. Provide top and bottom rails with one of the
partitions with manufacturer’s standard panel following finishes:
1. Clear anodized aluminum
2 Please contact your local Modernfold distributor for further assistance, or visit our website at