Page 11 - IFAFA ebook v4
P. 11
Bernadette Hamill
In the Beginning
One afternoon in September 1979, a small group sat around a table
in our apartment in mid-town Manhattan. There were seven of us:
Irene McMahon, Mary Burke, Adele Hutchinson, Sattie Sharkey,
Helen Gray, Anne Ansbro, and myself.
As spouses, we shared the diplomatic life – which is always
demanding, and very often lonely – but we were without a
recognized voice or involvement in decisions affecting us and our
I saw the need for a support group to address both the personal and
practical aspects of our situation. I wanted to develop personal
contact, cooperation and information exchange in a more organised
way – and to seek improvements in living conditions relating to
accommodation, our children’s education and family life generally –
and out of that grew our own present-day Irish Foreign Affairs
Family Association.
At the conclusion of the 1979 UN General Assembly, Irene
courageously brought the fledgling spouses' association back to
Dublin – and here we are, a full 40 years later!
Congratulations to one and all involved down through the years.