Page 19 - IFAFA ebook v4
P. 19
Mary Gunning
The word ‘mobility’ really sums up my life story and particularly
the ‘diplomatic spouse’ portion of it. I left my country of birth 43
years ago and have moved in and out of seven cities, not counting
Dublin. Life events in parallel have been moving feasts: marriage in
Tehran, childbirth in Chicago, Dublin and Brussels.
The excitement and variety have been marvellous but they have
been accompanied by some remoteness from my family and friends
in America and, latterly, during posting, from new family in
Ireland. We wrote letters, made expensive landline calls and saved
up for flights! Technology over the years has improved all of these
aspects and eased the downsides of the mobile life.
I knew when we set out that the diplomatic spouse had a time
consuming and at times frustrating role to play but came through it
with some successes and enjoyment in varied geographical settings.
I am glad now to see that, as with other aspects of diplomacy, the
manner of hosting and entertainment, and the spouse’s part, have
moved along with the times.
Mobility back in the 20th century did not make for easy pursuit of
a career of my own. But study on the side has raised my
qualifications and opportunities, and various employments in the
teaching field have enhanced my CV. Now to see about pension
rights from diverse countries!
IFAFA gave a great sense of comradeship, the well-known benefit of
diminishing or solving a problem by sharing it, and the necessary
provision of an interlocutor for DFA on its unpaid cohort of co-
workers. Thank you to all IFAFA members who so generously gave
their time to this worthwhile organisation.