Page 53 - IFAFA ebook v4
P. 53


                                                                 Ena Gawley

                  Ena Gawley – Served on The IFAFA COMMITTEE from 1990-


                  Well,  down  memory  lane  is  the  best  most  of  us  can  do,  trying  to

                  recall times, events & memories (Pleasant, for me; more challenging

                  for  other  positions)  in  connection  with  our  time  spent  serving  on

                  the  Committee  –  all  of  us  trying  our  best  to  ‘give  as  much

                  enthusiasm  and  effort’  in  some  hope  of  making  life  easier  for  our

                  colleagues and future members of the Association.

                  Needless to say, and for obvious reasons we ‘recall’ some colleagues

                  more  than  others  or  have  more  recollections  of  colleagues  with

                  whom  we  spent  significant  time  on  specific  projects.  My

                  own,1990/93  –  was  serving  with  a  large  number  of  colleagues  for

                  either a single year, two years or in my case working for at least 3

                  years  ‘in  the  office’  yep,  you  got  that  right!!  In  our  NEWLY

                  acquired office in the bowels of DFA along with Maura Swift (Bravo

                  Maura,  what  fun  we  had  ‘turning  our  heads’  to  the  newly  arrived

                  piece  of  Equipment  –  a  PC!  I  FEEL  now,  that  we  possibly  ‘lost’  as

                  many  documents  in  those  ‘few’  early  weeks  as  we  saved!  YOU  have

                  my full permission to correct me on this Maura! Neither Maura nor

                  I were around for the ‘Eviction’ from same room some years later –

                  when  the  Committee  were  turfed  out  of  our  bothan  make  room

                  for.... NO, am not saying... Ask Sally (she whispered in my ear, who

                  were allocated our room....

                   I signed up to taking over the ‘Newsletter’ job for the full 3 years I

                  was  on  the  Committee  &  seriously  loved  every  moment  of  it  –

                  obviously  unaware  that  I  was  laying  the  foundation  for  a  very

                  similar job that many years later I would ‘also’ hold up my hand to

                  ‘take  over’  as  editor  of  the  newsletter  of  the  ‘Approved  Tourist

                  Guides  of  Ireland’  –  life  repeating  itself  again  in  my  3  years  as

                  editor  with  our  Tourism  Association  from  2007/2010.  So,  I  was

                  indebted to IFAFA for the training that enabled me to bite into the

                  same cherry!

                  So  many  of  us  served  on  the  committee  of  IFAFA  for  various

                  lengths  over  the  years  –  BUT  to  our  colleagues  who  returned  to

                  serve again – that is dedication – TO keep going and keep the fires

                  of enthusiasm stoked – A VERY Special ‘BRAVO’ to you.

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