Page 57 - IFAFA ebook v4
P. 57
Aisling de Búrca and
Monica Nally Hennessy
“Is fearr cara sa chúirt ná ór sa sparán” [Better a friend in Court
than gold in your purse].
We chose to be photographed together as our lives have been
intertwined throughout our time in IFAFA – we served together on
the Committee many years ago, and have kept in touch ever since.
We had happy times on posting together in South Africa, and
became even closer. Little did we think while in Pretoria that
Monica would be back working as a solicitor and that Aisling would
end up working in the Four Courts – 5 minutes away. We have both
also lived in London and New York, although not at the same time,
and we understand each other’s experiences.
Our working lives have been very important to us both, and with a
degree of flexibility and some sacrifice, we have both managed to
maintain our careers to some extent. We will never know what we
might have achieved had we stayed in Ireland, but we both
appreciate the opportunities that we have enjoyed in sharing in
diplomatic life, and were delighted to support our spouses in
promoting Ireland’s interests and caring for the Irish community
Being members of IFAFA has supported us throughout, creating
deep bonds of friendship and helping out at times of need. We have
also been able to achieve some assistance for other diplomatic
families facing similar challenges – ní neart go cur le chéile! [Unity
is strength].