Page 3 - The Leadership Line: June 2024
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necessary for managing project teams. That said, Project Management in
        the classroom -vs- the business sector uses a totally different vocabulary.      Did you know?
        Her explorations in MILTON started first with the new tools that she would
        be using for the job (Teams and SharePoint -vs- the Google Suite she’d been   “With 75% of leaders struggling
        using for the last 10 years), but quickly shifted to Project Management       to fill open positions, prioritizing
        Basics.                                                                       internal talent development can

        Two of Tina’s IDP goals are 1) to obtain her CAPM within a year, and 2) to    save your business time and
        obtain her PMP within three years. “MILTON is an awesome source to help       money by mitigating the need to
        me reach those goals. I initially began exploring the courses associated with   recruit, hire, and train external
        the PMBOK guide and shifted toward a focus on the CAPM. I’d started my        talent.”
        studies in June, and even though the exam was changing in July, it gave me
        a good foundation of the concepts that I was beginning to use in my new       Source: InStride
        line of work. I was very happy when the courses for the PMBOK Guide
        7th Edition started popping up. My team is also working through a process
        improvement initiative, and I was excited that my studies in MILTON
        allowed me to contribute to a few different phases of the initiative.”

        “I love that you can search for specific certifications, so for NOW my favorite is the CAPM Channel and the Project
        Management Basic courses as well as the test prep books. I appreciate the downloadable course transcripts that I
        can use for reference guides for the job and to study. I enjoy the tests at the end of each unit (I know, I know, I’m
        such a nerd). They help me realize not only what I’ve mastered, but also what I still need to work on! I’m looking
        forward to (after obtaining my CAPM) starting the pre-recorded PMP Bootcamp to help me with the next step of my
        Congratulations Kala!!

        Manager Tip:

        Not all learning takes place in the classroom

        Managers can play a pivotal role in encouraging employees to continue their education outside of traditional schools
        by promoting and facilitating the use of professional development platforms like Skillsoft. Here are a few strategies
        you can employ to encourage participation:
           » Promote the Benefits: Highlight the advantages of    courses. Additionally, allocate time during work
           continuous learning, such as career advancement,       hours for learning and ensure to check in with the
           skill enhancement, and staying competitive in the      client for approval and time charging instructions,
           industry. Emphasize how platforms like Skillsoft offer   recognizing that it’s an investment in the team’s
           flexibility and a wide range of courses tailored to    capabilities.
           various professional needs.                            » Recognize and Reward Learning Efforts:
           » Incorporate Learning into Performance Goals:         Acknowledge employees who take the initiative
           Encourage employees to set learning goals as part      to learn new skills. This could be through formal
           of their performance reviews. This can be tied to      recognition programs, certificates of completion,
           career development plans and specific job-related      or even small incentives. Celebrating these efforts
           skills, making the learning process more relevant and   reinforces the value placed on continuous education.
           motivating.                                            » Lead by Example: Managers should also engage

           » Provide Access and Resources: Ensure that            in continuous learning and share their experiences.
           employees have access to professional development      When employees see their leaders actively
           platforms. This might include providing subscriptions   participating in professional development, it sets a
           to services like Skillsoft or offering stipends for    powerful example and creates a culture of learning
                                                                  within the organization.
        By taking these steps, managers can foster an environment that values and supports lifelong learning, benefiting
        both the employees and MIL.

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