Page 2 - The Leadership Line: August 2021
P. 2
Building Communities Within
Each of the upcoming issues will focus on content aimed at creating a community-
centric workplace driving employee satisfaction and retention.
Community-Centric Workplace Topics
» Build a solid workforce » Diversity & Inclusion
• Hire for culture • Belonging
» Team Building » Encouraging Collaboration
• What makes a Team Effective? • Mentoring
• Storming and Norming • Collaborative Leadership
Isolation and Exclusion as Bullying
MIL does not condone bullying in the workplace. Bullying
often comes in subtle ways and affects the overall workplace
climate and should be addressed immediately when
One common element in workplace bullying is isolation
and exclusion. Isolation is the state of being alone from
others. Exclusion occurs when someone is excluded
intentionally from meetings, discussions, conversations,
decisions, or work-related activities. Ignoring or avoiding
someone’s contribution to a team can make the target feel Managers can discourage exclusion by implementing
purposely isolated. strategic workplace tactics such as:
Eliminating exclusion and isolation in the workplace is Communication- Help everyone feel comfortable with
a team effort. Every member of the organization should sharing negative thoughts and feelings.
strive to include others. Create a culture of teamwork and
participation. Enable every team member to thrive in the Engagement- Each team member should make a conscious
workplace and reach their full potential. effort to include their cohorts.
How normalized has workplace bullying become?
Statistics from the 2021 WBI U.S. Workplace Bullying Survey
30% of adult 61.3% of bullying
Americans are 76.3 million is same-gender
bullied at work workers affected bullying 43% of remote
workers are bullied