Page 3 - The Leadership Line: October 2022
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Internal Networking  Internal Networking Spotlight

                               Nasir Abbas

                               Business Development, Associate
                               Since joining MIL, Nasir has worked in recruiting and even led efforts to improve
                               MIL’s recruiting software. As Nasir progresses, he is transitioning from recruiting and
                               administrative duties, into corporate business development with an eye on robotic process
                               automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI). Here’s what Nasir had to say about how his
                               manager supports his aspirations and how he networked within:

         How did you start working with Paul Marshall?          How did you prepare for the RPA role?
         My relationship with Paul really began in late 2019 when  Basic studying and hands-on experience. YouTube was
         MIL decided to become a certified UiPath Partner. I was   extremely helpful, as was the UiPath Community Fo-
         one of the first to begin training in the UiPath Academy.   rum. Working with the MIL RPA staff was most helpful.
         How did you learn about RPA? Whom did you ex-          How did you approach interdepartmental collabo-
         press a desire to learn more?                          ration and networking?
         Paul and Marisa Daley asked if I would be interested   This was nothing new to me really, as I had been work-
         in getting certified (MIL needed at least two certified   ing with different departments since my start with MIL.
         employees to gain partnership with UiPath). I was eager   It’s all about mutual understanding and respect.
         to learn something new, so I couldn’t turn down that op-
         portunity. I expressed my desire to begin working more
         on RPA projects to Marisa and Paul as the need for RPA
         ramped up.

         DocuSign Automation Tips

            » Do you have an employee who is being promoted? Fill out HRS-180-01 Promotion Request Form first! Download and
            then attach to your HRS-127 MIL Personnel Transaction Form.
            » Are you requesting a salary change? Fill out HRS-128 MIL Out of Cycle Justification Form Memo first! Download and
            then attach to your HRS-127 MIL Personnel Transaction Form.
            » If your employee is being promoted and receiving a salary change, you will need to complete both HRS-180-01
            Promotion Request Form and HRS-128 MIL Out of Cycle Justification Form Memo. The attachment feature allows for
            multiple files.

              Look for the
              attachment button:
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