Page 5 - The Leadership Line: October 2022
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Joel Melville
Vice President
Developing employees who for some become managers in an organization is needed for
growth, retention, and employee satisfaction. Recently, Julissa Sanabria HRBP in SOMD had
an opportunity to interview Joel Melville, VP of Administration about the importance of indi-
vidual development as a team leader.
Joel started his career with MIL as a Corporate manager, you should want to lead with purpose in mind.
Accountant in July of 2011. His dedication, knowledge, Determine your leadership purpose and convey that to
strategic approach to growth, and wiliness to invest in other managers.”
his career and education earned him several promotions. Joel’s leadership purpose is to encourage impactful
Throughout his years and since becoming VP of forward-thinking ideas and promote team members
Administration in 2018, Joel begins by assessing the professional growth and development. What is your
organization and his direct team’s needs. He often leadership purpose?
recommends his direct reports to leverage MILTON
and pursue certifications. He encourages employees to
seek potential training opportunities. Joel states, “As a
Learning Opportunities
Coaching Sessions
informal meetings where the group can brainstorm and discuss ideas. All are welcome even if you
don’t have specific questions and just want to learn from the discussion!
EAP Manager Newsletter: Q&A for Supervisors
This Month’s Mental Health Skill Building HSA Bank Hosts:
Webinar: Helping Others Power Up Your Open Enrollment
Join Uprise Health for a 30-minute webinar and Q&A
October 20, 2022 | 3pm EST MILTON Class:
Learn the key skills to help someone else with their Success Factors for Peak
mental health like early warning signs and how to start a
conversation about mental health.
On the Calendar
» Harassment and Discrimination: Oct. 3 – Oct. 21, 2022
» World Mental Health Day: Oct., 10, 2022 | Make mental health & well-being for all a
global priority. #WorldMentalHealthDay Learn more on the official website.