Page 1 - The MIL Leadership Line: October 2021
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The Leadership Line
Manager’s Newsletter
October 2021
Sometimes teams seem to click without too much effort, working together seamlessly and producing great work
as a result. Other collaborations crash and burn. A team’s success often depends on its composition. Wouldn’t it
be great if building an efficient and productive team required no more than hiring skilled workers with agreeable
personalities? Unfortunately, teams don’t typically function that way. Like any successful relationship, team
relationships take thought, effort, and compromise.
In this issue of the Leadership Line, we will explore how a leader’s understanding of someone’s behavior helps
achieve team success. This elevated awareness is what allows team members to understand intuitively how their
teammates will think and act, whether in a group or with a client. Leaders will find this knowledge invaluable for
teams that have to quickly adapt to dynamic circumstances with limited opportunities for communication.