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P. 21

As mentioned earlier, the original intention of this book was to simply trace and list
               the ancestry   of the Cisco Clan, but intentions change. Attempting to identify and
               learn more about the  ancestors of the Cisco Clan led me to discovering the works of
               several other individuals who were also tracing FOYs. Studying these other FOY
               researcher’ s material  led to the conclusion that most of the FOYs who came to Texas
               in  the 1800' s  were related but    apparently   did not  know it.   Many different    FOY
               families lived less than a hundred miles from each other but never knew they were
               cousins.  Of course, one hundred miles was a far distance in those times.

               For example, the FOYs who lived in Cisco, Anson, Merkel, Sweetwater, Abilene, and
               Baird were all members of the same  North Carolina FOY family.

               The discovery     of dozens   of serious FOY researchers from       all parts of the United
               States broadened the scope and intent of this book. The intent now is to attempt to
               trace ALL the FOYs who came to Texas, not just those who produced the Cisco Clan.


               In order to trace so many different FOY families the format of this book is going to
               be different from most books you have read. This book will NEVER be completed;
               its purposes will never be  fulfilled.  We will discuss why in the next chapter.

                                                      Preface 10
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