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            One of the most difficult challenges for a family researcher is to know where to begin
            his family tree for there seems to be no beginning and certainly no ending for the ever
            changing picture of any family. As new information about a family is constantly being
            discovered      the picture changes so        that it  is impossible to     ever call the family

            researcher’s work completed.

            When I first began doing research regarding the FOYs I thought it was a simple task.
            All I wanted to do was trace the ancestry of one small group of  FOYs, a group I refer
            to as the Cisco Clan.      And,   in a very short time after      I began my research, I found
            ELOUISE BEARD           SMITH’s research results in the Salt            Lake City Genealogical
            Library. Her work seemed to almost fulfill my goal.

            I did a little more work to round out ELOUISE’s work and put together Volume One
            of  FOYS    WHO     CAME     TO   TEXAS      thinking   it would be a simple task         to collect
            additional information about currently living FOYs from the Cisco Clan, put together
            some more photographs, add a couple of stories about some famous FOYs in our line

            from long ago, write volume two and call the project finished. I was wrong; regrettably,
            very wrong and very naive regarding the world of genealogical research.  I quickly
            realized volume one should never have been published. It was totally incomplete.

            Soon after putting together        volume one and beginning         volume two,      I   ran  across
            NANCY FOY ARCHER on the Internet. NANCY lives in the Dallas, Texas area and
            is descended from a long line of FOYs who came to Texas at about the same time the
            Cisco Clan’s ancestors did. Both her line of FOYs and the Cisco Clan line of FOYs are

            NANCY and her father had done exhaustive research work on the FOYs and through
            them I was introduced to a host of other FOY researchers all over the United States
            who had compiled more data regarding the FOYs I had ever dreamed existed. Through
            NANCY and her contacts I discovered hundreds of FOYs had  come to Texas and had
            established homesteads all over the state. And, they were all related. But, I am giving
            away some secrets you will discover later as you read this work.

            As the group of FOY researchers NANCY had discovered began to correspond and
            exchange information, a talented computer expert, THOR FOY CARDEN of Madison,
            TN put together a FOY website on the Internet. Dozens of FOY researchers began to
            funnel data to this website and people from all over the world doing research on related
            family names  began to make inquiries about the FOYs and to share information they

                                                         Preface 13
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