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P. 37
FRANKLIN FOY’s letter was written to CLAUDIUS E. FOY, who had a son
named CLAUDIUS B. FOY. CLAUDIUS B. FOY, the son, later inherited the
data about the FOYs which had been saved by his father, CLAUDIUS E. FOY.
In addition, CLAUDIUS B FOY, the son, did extensive research regarding the
FOYs on his own. From all appearances he intended to write a book or
monograph about the FOYs. In his latter years he wrote letters to several
individuals asking them to furnish him with information regarding the FOYs
and in these letters he indicates research regarding the FOYs was going on by
others in Maryland and North Carolina and he expected to collect their results.
It does not appear CLAUDIUS B. FOY ever completed his research or wrote his
book about the FOYs, however, he did collect a large amount of information
about the FOYs and his notes and letters were later incorporated by others into
their own research and can be found preserved in various research papers in
museums and archives in North Carolina.
Pointing out again how quickly family information can be lost, or at least
distorted, in a very short time IF it is not recorded, notice again what
FRANKLIN reported in his letter about the life of JOHN FOY, whom he
thought was the first FOY to America. He says:
JOHN came to NC and settled at Rocky Run.
JOHN then returned to Maryland where he married MISS MILES.
MISS MILES had come with him from France.
JOHN and MISS MILES went back to NC and raised five boys.
FRANKLIN said the names of these boys were:
FRANKLIN said in his letter to CLAUDIUS, “the last named was my
grandfather”. (That would be JAMES FOY, SR).
TAB 2 Pg. 6