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The text of that will, dated September 15th, 1817 is as follows:

                       “In the name of God, Amen

                       I James Foy, Senior, of the county of Onslow and State of North Carolina
                       being of sound, perfect and disposing mind and memory, blessed be God for
                       the same, do this fifteenth day of September in the year of our Lord Christ

                       one thousand eight hundred and seventeen make and publish this my last
                       will and desire is that all my just debts be paid as also my funeral expenses
                       and as touching my worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless my
                       endeavors with I will and bequeath in manner and form following, viz:

                       Imprimis: I give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved wife, Elizabeth Foy
                       my best bed and furniture, also the saddle and bridle, one bay mare and colt,
                       two calves, two sows and pigs, one yoke of oxen,           two weeding     hoes, one
                       grubbing ditto, one plow, two clevices and ox chain. One round table, six
                       Windsor chairs, all the crockery ware, all the pewter, iron tea kettle, two iron
                       pots, all the copper ware, that are in the house at the time of my decease.

                       Item: I lend to my wife for her sole use and benefit during her natural life,
                       the  house  and plantation    whereI usually     reside  at,  as  also  fire  wood and
                       wood for use of said      plantation. And also I lend unto my said wife two
                       Negores named      Todge and Eve,      his wife  during the life of my said wife,
                       Elizabeth, and at her decease, I will and bequeath unto my daughter Betsey
                       Nixon, the aforementioned Negroes Todge and Eve, to her and her heirs
                       (lawfully begotten of her body) forever, two Negroes also to pay debts.

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