Page 90 - tmp_Classical
P. 90
Item: I give and bequeath to my son Frederick Foy the following Negroes
viz; Dave, George, Sal, Lott, and girl, Alice, and beds and such tools or
stocks of cattle, hogs as in his possession and I have given him a deed of gift
for the lands where my son James Foy is now present resides in this county
his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Betsy Nixon two feather beds and
furniture and two cows and yearlings, one chest, and the following Negroes
viz; Mimey and herchildren of the following names, Simon, Sarah. And
Grace, and also Jack, Lenea, to her and her heirs (lawfully begotten of her
body forever.)
Item: Whereas I have paid unto my son Joshua Foy to the amount of sixteen
hundred dollars or thereabouts in lands which has been sold and conveyed
by me and I hereby confirm the same to him and his heirs forever. Also I
give and bequeath unto my son Joshua two parcels of land on Mill Run
adjoining Wards and Corbetts, being four hundred acres more or less to him
and his heirs forever. And also the following Negroes viz; Isaac, Hannah,
Duke, Charlotte, Nicey, Rose and Miranda, to him and his heirs forever.
Item; I give and bequeath to my son Morris Foy one bed and furniture, one
bay mare and colt, one yoke oxen and chain, and further I give unto my son
Morris three hundred acres of land known by the name of Bear Garden and
also two hundred acres of land where old Sduck died, to him and his heirs
(lawfully begotten of his body) forever, and also I hereby give unto my son
Morris the following Negroes viz; Douglas and Robin, Abb, Jack and Tony,
to him and his heirs, as also one feather bed and furniture to him and his
heirs forever.
After my wife deceases my will and desire is that my lands I left to my wife
during her natural life being the lands I purchased of James Hebble and
John Lester to my son Morris and his heirs and assigns forever, the residue
not mentioned in my will - to pay debts.
Lastly I constitute, make and appoint my sons Frederick Foy and Joshua
Foy my whole and sole executors to this my last will and testaments by me
heretofor made. And I do hereby desire my executors above mentioned to do
their duty in full.
Ch. 9 Pg. 7