Page 173 - Foy
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               Santa Anna, however, refused to let the war die.  Again in September 1842 he sent a
               thousand men back to San Antonio.  They took 67 men prisoners  but, again, retreated
               back   South after only a few days.        Houston had to do something. He called for
               volunteers. By November of 1842 he had assembled 750 men in San Antonio.  They
               marched to Laredo, which was North of the Rio Grande but was a Mexican town and
               captured it December 8 .

               Some of the volunteers decided they had had enough and went back home. The Texas
               general  in charge of   the group hesitated and     would not   make any    decisions which
               angered   most of his men.     He   retreated from   possible  trouble which infuriated his
               volunteers.  They elected themselves       a new   leader, crossed the border and tried     to
               capture a Mexican town.  They were defeated, captured and hauled off to Mexico City.
               On the way the men tried to escape and were decimated; one man in every ten were

               shot.  The rest were imprisoned but a few months later were released.

               Little  battles like this one continued.    Sam   Houston   appealed to other    nations like
               France, England and the United States to apply pressure on Mexico to leave Texas
               alone.  Finally a truce was reached June 14, 1843.  Texas and Mexico  negotiated with
               an  English mediator.       Houston stalled the negotiations because the question           of
               annexation to the United States was again being considered.

               As   the Western   boundaries of    Texas  had  never   been defined the Texas Congress
               passed a resolution claiming California as Texas soil. By international law, since they
               had won their freedom from Mexico they could claim anything they thought they could
               take and hold.  This aroused concern in the United States who also was interested in
               California and were involved in a dispute with England over Oregon territory.  If Texas

               could   dominate the West      signed treaties and    allied themselves with England, the
               United States would be in trouble.

               American  President Tyler to open negotiations for annexation of Texas in October
               1843.  Mexico still had not surrendered Texas officially and the United States still had
               a  treaty with Mexico but it simply could not allow Texas          to  befriend England and
               control the West all the way to California.

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