Page 237 - Foy
P. 237

Most was gleaned from books, microfilm, dusty records, letters from other researchers, etc.  Information and photographs
                              regarding the CISCO CLAN in this section came from many sources.  I am confident it is not complete nor entirely accurate
                              but, in time, may be.

                                     The following pages  of  pictures are photos from two sources;  George  Foy  and Truman Frank  Foy. While I
                                     recognized some of the people there were some of whom I was not sure and so I wrote GEORGE FOY in California
                                     and asked him to supply me with the names of the people in the numbered pictures.  I want to share with you his
                                     humorous reply:


               Received your letter and copies of photographs from the 10 Most Wanted List
               and/or the Post Office.

               Here is my feedback regarding the pictures:

               #1 Decrepit Senator from Abilene, Texas with his child bride. (Jean Marie
               Foy's first communion, circa 1948 or 1949)

               #2 The Dalton gang in their early years (Winnie, Jean, and George, late

               #3 Aspiring academic (1965)

               #4 Recent refugees from Palestine. Labor Day 1966. On arrivial at Newport
               Beach (or thereabouts) Rhode Island. From left to right: Winnie and Don
               McPherson; Theresa Jones little girl standing in front of Bill Jones wearing
               hat and glasses. Standing next to Bill Jones in back is Jean Marie Foy-Jones.
               Little boy in front is Steven Jones -- he is standing in front of his
               maternal grandmother, Frances A. Foy. Standing next to Frances is Vicki Foy,
               and standing next to her is John R. Foy holding his granddaughter Sheila Mc
               Pherson. The realy handsome fellow in the back is a Hollywood producer ( and
               part-time undercover Israeli agent named Yasser A. Foy) who is interested in
               making a movie about the plight of the refugees.

               #5 The photograph was taken at a home for wayward children near North
               Kingston, RI. The children (from left to right) are Theresa Jones, Sheila
               McPherson (the baby), and Steven Jones. The house warden and disciplinarian
               is Frances Foy.

               #6 An INS photo, possibly taken near San Diego --Chula Vista, or Coronado
               Island in the early 1960s.. The photo shows an illegal immigrant couple
               using children as a shield to enter the US form Mexico. The children are
               Steven and Theresa Jones.

               #7 This is a photograph of an honor guard from the Swiss Navy visitng the US
               circa 1930. The fellow on the very right of the back row resembles the
               illegal immigrant in Photo # 6

               #8 Future heavyweight champ Rocky Marciano (left) receives his first boxing

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