Page 123 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 123

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                   1.  The  use  of  tetracyclines  derivatives  (Minocycline,  Doxycycline  and


                   They are all highly lipophilic in nature with a partition coeffecient values which are

                   (20-30) times greater than the original normal tetracycline. Hence they are highly

                   absorbed compared to tetracycline

                   They  are  taken  in  small  doses  compared  to  normal  tetracycline,  for  example

                   doxycycline is taken as 100 mg dose twice daily, while tetracycline is taken as 250

                   mg 4 times a day

                   2. The use of Ampicillin ester derivatives (Pivampicillin and Bacampicillin)

                   These esters exhibit higher partition coefficient and hence higher absorption and

                   bioavailability compared to normal original ampicillin.

                   These prodrugs after being absorbed will then hydrolyze in the blood by the action

                   of esterase enzymes to release the free form of ampicillin.

              Formulation Factors Affecting Drug Absorption

            i) Influence of excipients of dosage form on drug absorption

            1.  Diluents

               For  example,  phenytoin  intoxication  which  occurred  in  epileptic  patients  as  a

                 consequence of changing the diluents from calcium sulphate dehydrate to lactose

                 although the quantity of phenytoin in both formulations was the same.

               The excipient calcium sulphate dehydrate had been responsible for decreasing the GIT

                 absorption of phenytoin possibly due to the formation of insoluble complex.

               When the calcium sulphate dehydrate was replaced by lactose,

                     Bioavailability was improved and
                     Resulted in higher plasma levels of phenytoin
                     Producing toxic side effects of phenytoin.

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