Page 126 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 126

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                       This rate of dispersion, in turn, influences the rate of dissolution and, therefore,


                       The overall rate of dissolution of drugs from capsules appears to be a complex
                         function of the rates of different processes, such as :

                       the dissolution rate of the gelatin shell,
                       the rate of penetration of the GI fluids into the encapsulated mass,

                       the rate at which the mass deaggregates (i.e. disperses) in the GI fluids, and
                       the rate of dissolution of the dispersed drug particles.

                       It is, therefore, important to have suitable diluents and/or other excipients in a

                         capsule dosage form, particularly when the drug is hydrophobic.

                       These diluents will work to

                      ➢ disperse the powder,

                      ➢ minimize aggregation and

                      ➢ maximize the surface area of the powder.

                       Tightly packed capsules may have reduced dissolution and bioavailability.

                  4. Tablets

                  Uncoated tablets.

                   Whereas solutions represent a state of maximum dispersion, compressed tablets

                     have the closest proximity to particles.

                   Since  problems  in  dissolution  and  bioavailability  are  generally  inversely

                      proportional to the degree of dispersion, compressed tablets are more prone to

                      bioavailability  problems.  This  is  primarily  because  of  the  small  surface  area

                      exposed for dissolution until the tablets have broken down into smaller particles;

                      (due to the more compaction and the low degree of dispersion).

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