Page 172 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 172

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                  Other routes of excretion

                  1. Biliary Excretion

        •             Many drugs and metabolites are passed into the small intestine via bile and may

                      undergo enterohepatic cycling; the rest is excreted in the feces.
        •             This cycle may be repeated many times, until biotransformation, renal excretion,

                      and fecal excretion ultimately eliminate the drug from the body.

        •             So enterohepatic cycling may increase the persistence of drug in the body.

                  2.  Fecal Excretion

        •             Elimination of toxicants in the feces occurs from two processes:

                      A- excretion in bile:

                   Some heavy metals are excreted in the bile.

                   –   e.g., arsenic, lead, and mercury.

                   ❖ However, the most likely substances to be excreted via the bile are comparatively

                      large, ionized molecules, such as large molecular weight conjugates.

                   –  e.g. morphine and chloramphenicol (as glucuronide).

                   B- direct intestinal excretion:

                   •  Orally administered drugs may be excreted in the feces if they are

                   ✓ incompletely absorbed or

                   ✓ not absorbed at all (e.g. Cholestyramine).

                   •  Increasing the lipid content of the intestinal tract can enhance intestinal excretion

                      of some lipophilic substances.

                   •  For this reason, mineral oil is sometimes added to the diet to help eliminate toxic

                      substances, which are known to be excreted directly into the intestinal tract.

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