Page 72 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 72

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                                    CHAPTER SUMMARY

                   A loading dose (DL) given as an IV bolus injection may be used at the start of an

                  infusion to quickly achieve the desired steady-state plasma drug concentration.

                   For some drugs, IV bolus injections can result in immediate high plasma drug

                  concentrations and drug toxicity. An IV drug infusion slowly inputs the drug into the

                  circulation and can provide stable drug concentrations in the plasma for extended time


                   Constant IV drug infusions are considered to have zero-order drug absorption

                  because of direct input. Once the drug is infused, the drug is eliminated by first-order


                   A true steady state is achieved when the rate of drug infusion (i.e., rate of drug

                  absorption) equals the rate of drug elimination.

                   Four to five elimination half-lives are needed to achieve 95% of steady state.

                   Pharmacokinetic parameters may be calculated from samples taken during the

                  IV infusion and after the infusion is stopped, which are then used to optimize the

                  dosing regimen for a patient.

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