Page 14 - GCS Advertiser Information
P. 14


•Every mailing, more than 100,000 Pensacola-area

 households, 45,000 Ft. Walton Beach-area households
 and 45,000 Panama City-area households
 receive a mailed copy of the Gulf Coast
 Shopper at no cost to the recipients.

•We carefully hand-select our

 recipients, based upon above-average
 household income and resident age.

•New, up-to-the-minute address lists are

 purchased for each issue, at the exact time of

•Monitoring of all distribution areas is done so that new

 housing developments get immediate consideration.

•To guarantee total mail delivery, we demand certified

“proof-of-mailings” for every copy delivered by the US
 Postal Service, for every zip code and every carrier
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