Page 20 - Maura
P. 20


                          Astounded  (adj): very surprised or shocked.

                          Clutch (v): to take or try to take hold of something tightly, usually in fear, worry, or pain.

                          Demeanor (n): a way of looking and behaving.

                          Envisage (v): to imagine or expect something in the future, especially something good.

                          Emerge (v): to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something.

                          Esteemed (adj): highly respected.

                          Exhibit (v): to show something publicly.

                          Henceforth (adv): starting from this time.

                          Humiliation (n): the feeling of being ashamed or losing respect for yourself.

                          Timid (adj): shy and nervous; without much confidence; easily frightened.

                          Persistence (n): the fact that someone or something persists.

                          Reassure (v); to comfort someone and stop them from worrying.

                          Runner-up (n): a person who comes second in a race or competition.

                          Sole (adj): being one only; single.

                          Sorrowful (adj): very sad.

                          Subsequently (adv): after something else.

                          Stanza (n): a group of lines of poetry forming a unit.

                          Ultimately (adv): used to emphasize the most important fact in a situation.

                          relinquished (v): to give up something such as a responsibility or claim.

                    Source: Cambridge Dictionary Online
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