Page 20 - Taylor Hall signage-Design Research_Methods-2017
P. 20

Issues from my overall observations:                                                               Questions

              Students have issues finding Tayor                                              How can we create better signage for
              hall.                                                                           Taylor Hall?

              Students aren’t interacting with the                                            How can we attract students to interact
              digital wayfinding sign for directions.                                         with the digital signage and create a more
              It isn’t user friendly.                                                         user friendly experience?

              The design is outdated.                                                         How can we create a design that fits with
                                                                                              our users?

              Digital Wayfinding sign map isn’t                                               How can we create a map that is accessi-

              easy to understand quickly.                                                     ble to all users?

              Digital Wayfing signage isn’t acces-
              sible for students that have disabili-                                          How can we create a map that is effient?

              Once the student leaves digital way-
              finding, it’s up to the building signage                                        How can we improve the wayfinding sig-

              to lead students in the right direc-                                            nage inside Taylor Hall?
              tion. Signage is a confusing and it’s
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