Page 6 - DBE Firms On-the-Move 2020
P. 6

Advanced Environmental


                                                                  Air Station, Gulf Services Battalion, and
                                                                  Columbus Air Force Base. AEC has received
                                                                  numerous  awards  for  performing  outstanding
                                                                  service to communities throughout the U.S. The
                                                                  firm  is  a  Disadvantaged  Business  Enterprise
                                                                  (Alabama,  Georgia,  Louisiana,  Mississippi,
                                                                  Tennessee,  and  Texas),  Minority  Business
                                                                  Enterprise (Mississippi Development Authority),
                                       Environmental              Hub     zone-Certified   (Small    Business
                             Consultants, Inc. (AEC) is a full-   Administration),  and  Woman-Owned  Small
               service environmental Consulting, project          Business (Women’s Business Enterprise National
               management, and remediation firm                   Council).
               headquartered in Jackson, MS.                      The firm has obtained various asbestos and lead
                                                                  certifications from the Alabama Department of
               For over 22 years, AEC has provided customized
               services to meet the needs of diverse industries   Environmental Quality, Arkansas Department of
               (airports,   municipalities,   school   districts,   Environmental Quality, Louisiana Department of
                                                                  Environmental   Quality,   and   Mississippi
               universities, law firms, and financial institutions).
               Key  clients  are  the  Mississippi  Department  of   Department  of  Environmental  Quality  is
               Transportation,  Jackson  Municipal  Airport       competent  in  environmental  regulations  and
               Authority,  Liberty  Bank,  Trustmark  Bank,       technology.
               Meridian Naval
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