Page 60 - DBE Firms On-the-Move 2020
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Management Team
President - 21 years experience
construction and hydraulic pump
assembly and repair.
Established 2000 Project Manager - 36 years
Engineering, Quality Mgmt,
STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATION Environmental Mgmt, and Project
Services Offered Superintendent - 31 years public
works, water and wastewater
Water and Wastewater Facility General Repair and
Maintenance Superintendent – 40 years concrete
and building.
Building and Grounds Maintenance and Repair
Lawn Service Insurance
Grading and Excavation, Drainage General Liability Insurance
Home Rehabilitation Equipment
Backhoe with thumb
Debris Removal
Erosion Control (MDOT)
Fencing Dump Trucks
Skid Steer with grapple
Credentials Tractors (3) 4x4 with FE Loader
Certificate of Responsibility Rotary Cutters (7 ft & 15ft)
Storm Water Certificate Silt Fence machine
MDOT Certified DBE Contractor Equipment Trailers
MDOT Approved Small Business Entity Service truck with welder and tools
Mississippi Development Authority Registered Carpentry tools and equipment
City of Jackson Certified Supplier and Contractor
Experienced Water\ Wastewater Operator
Tim Walker President
Certified Septic Tank Installer Office: 601-331-8173
Fax: 601-856-4000
P. O. Box 31065
Jackson, MS 39286