Page 63 - DBE Firms On-the-Move 2020
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      A B O U T                                              S E R V I C E S   O F F E R E D
    Over  almost  two  decades,  JEM  Contracting,            Dirt Foundation
    LLC  has  offered  construction  management
    solutions  for  all  types  of  projects  and  a          Bank Stabilization
    variety  of  organization  types.  Well=known  in         Road Building
    the    federal   construction    industry,   we           Bridge Work
    approach  each  job  from  an  individual                 Sheet Piling
      perspective,  which  paves  the  way  for
    meeting  varying  client  needs.  At  JEM,  we            Concrete Culverts
    believe     meticulous          service     and           Concrete Foundations
    communication  as  well  as  flexibility,  are  our       Metal Building Erection

    strong suits.                                             Detention Facilities
     C E R T I F I C A T I O N S                              Building Construction

        Mississippi State Board of Contractors                Renovation work
        Total Quality Control by Army Corps.                  Construction Management
        of Engineers
        Disadvantaged Business Enterprise 2                   Project Administration
        Section 3 with HUD
        8(a) Certified with SBA 1
        City of Jackson, MS                                    P A S T   C L I E N T S
        City of Macon, MS
                                                              United States Department of Agriculture

      I N S U R A N C E   H E L D                             Noxubee County Board of Supervisors
                                                              Lowndes County Board of Supervisors
         General Liability                                    Meridian Naval Air Station
         Worker's Compensation
         Inland Marine Insurance                              Columbus Air-Force Base
                                                              General Services Administration
      G E T   I N   T O U C H                                 Army Corps of Engineers
      Contact Name: Jeordie Mason
      Address: 4248 Buggs Ferry Rd
      Macon, MS 39341                                        D U N   A N D   B R A D S T R E E T
      Phone: 662-386-4373                                       360991124
      Fax: 662-726-4700
      website:                               Bonding Capacity: $4,000,000
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