Page 67 - DBE Firms On-the-Move 2020
P. 67


                                                             ELECTRIC, INC.

                                                                S E R V I C E S   O F F E R E D
              S T A T E M E N T

                                                               TRAFFIC SIGNALS : Works directly with MDOT
                         O F
                                                               and statewide municipalities' Traffic Signal
         Q U A L I F I C A T I O N S
                                                               Divisions for the maintenance and installation
                                                               of traffic signals.
    A B O U T

   Lewis Electric, Inc. is a corporation                       AIRFIELD LIGHTING : Has performed FAA
   experienced in electrical work with                         regulated airfield lighting projects, including
   personnel having over                                       but not limited to taxiways, runways, beacon
   twenty-five years of experience in the
   field. Lewis Electric, Inc. has worked in                   towers, PAPI Systems and AWOS systems
   both the public and private sectors                         throughout the state of MS.
   performing electrical improvements.
                                                               ROADWAY: Has vast experience in traffic
                                                               signalization for intersections, roadway WIM
    E Q U I P M E N T   O W N E D                              systems, flasher assemblies, and other
                                                               roadway electrical related projects.
       Ditch Witch Backhoes
       Auger Trucks
                                                               COMMERCIAL:  Performs commercial electrical
       Bobcat Excavator
       Concrete Core Saws                                      work, including but not limited to commercial
       Surveillance Trailers                                   buildings.
       Bobcat Skid-Steer
       Bucket Trucks                                          P A S T   C L I E N T S   &   P R O J E C T S
       Service Trucks and Trailers
                                                               CITY OF BRANDON, HWY 80 AND LOUIS
                                                               WILSON TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION

    I N S U R A N C E   H E L D
                                                               BYRAM CLINTON PARKWAY SIGNALIZATION

      General Liability
      Workers Comp                                             MADISON COUNTY, COLONY PARK BLVD
      Automobile                                               TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION

                                                               OKTIBBEHA County, HWY 12 TRAFFIC
    G E T   I N   T O U C H
                                                               LINCOLN COUNTY HWY 84 WEIGH-IN-MOTION
    P.O. Box 320337 Flowood, MS                                CITY OF SOUTHAVEN, HWY 51 TRAFFIC
    39232 (Mailing Address)                                        SIGNALIZATION
    601-932-0101 (OFFICE)
    601-954-2611 (CELL)
    601-709-0866 (FAX)                                         OKTIBBEHA COUNTY, HWY 182 TRAFFIC
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