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Astro Heating and Cooling, LLC

       Astro continues to seek prime

       opportunities  in  HVAC
       services        throughout

       the  state.  Bryant’s                  Licensed
       advice                  to
       entrepreneurs           is
       that  there  is  no                      Insured

       specific      path      to
       obtaining            and                  Bonded

       sustaining               a
       successful  business,
       and       mentions         the
       importance          of     being

       innovative,  remaining    on  the
       cutting edge in the field, and trying new                       
       things  to  stay  ahead  of  competition.

       Bryant  offers  his  top  factors  in
       maintaining a business that is always
       positioned for growth and success:                               

        1. Have good customer relations.

        2. Be fair and honest.
                                                                                  (601) 373-1592 or (601) 503-0114
        3. Do a good job.

        4. Be respectful.
                                                                                  P. O. Box 9625, Jackson, MS 39286
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