Page 261 - Ming_China_Courts_and_Contacts_1400_1450 Craig lunas
P. 261

Plate 28.12 Jingdezhen official kiln blue-and-white shard   Plate 28.13 Jingdezhen official kiln blue-and-white jar with lid,
            excavated at the site of Mambrui                   excavated from Dongmentou, Zhushan, Jingdezhen in 1994. Height
                                                               14.8cm; diameter 25.8cm. Jingdezhen Institute of Ceramic

            Plate 28.14 (above) Jingdezhen blue-and-white shards of Hongzhi
            to Zhengde period excavated from Mambrui site

            Plate 28.15 (right) Jingdezhen blue-and-white shards of Jiajing
            reign unearthed form Gedi Ruin

            Africa on the ‘Zheng He Navigation Chart’ (Zheng He hanghai   reign, Chinese ceramic production increased and the scale
            tu 鄭和航海圖) has identified seven locations where Zheng   of ceramic export became relatively large during a short
            He probably landed. The name ‘Man Ba Che’ (慢八撤)    period of time (Pls 28.14–15). This was the result of
            marked on the chart has been identified as Mambrui.    internal changes within the Ming dynasty when the
            Significantly, excavations at the site of Mambrui by our joint   manufacture of various products that represented the
            archaeological team have yielded a piece of blue-and-white   development of market economy increased and had an
            imperial ware of the Yongle reign (Pl. 28.12) which may   impact on society. The silver standard of the monetary
            come from a blue-and-white jar with a lid from the official   system was formed in this period which needed more silver
            kiln of the Yongle reign (Pl. 28.13) and a Yongle tongbao    in exchange for material goods. This caused a shortage of
            永樂通寶 (Circulating treasure of the Yongle era) coin.  An   silver and consequently led to stronger reliance on imported
            official Longquan ware shard was also found at the same site   silver.  The rapid commercialisation of goods resulted in
            (see Pl. 28.10). These archaeological materials provide   the flourishing of illegal trade along the coastal regions of
            conclusive evidence that Zheng He visited Kenya in East   China and ceramics were one of the most important cargos
            Africa and that Mambrui was one of the possible places   in this illicit trade. Consequently, Chinese porcelain of this
            where he landed.                                   period is found in fairly large numbers along the Indian
                                                               Ocean rim and Southeast Asia, thereby reflecting the whole
            The increase of Chinese ceramics during the mid-Ming   trading system of the entire Ming dynasty and not just that
            period                                             of East Africa.
            During the Chenghua, Hongzhi and Zhengde reigns
            (1465–1521), the quantity of Chinese ceramics at the Gedi   Notes
            Ruins and Mambrui increased tremendously, representing   I hereby wish to acknowledge Jessica Harrison-Hall and Dr
            a brief upturn in Indian Ocean rim maritime trade   Virginia L. Bower who have helped proofread and improve
            controlled by the Arabs and Persians. For a long period of   this chapter. Their dedication is much appreciated.
            time, the coastal areas of East Africa maintained a close   Gratitude also goes to Dr Li Baoping for his continuous work
            relationship with West Asia and the Middle East. The   on improving the text. 
            dominance of Arab and Persian trade ended when the    本研究為“國家社會科學基金重大項目《非洲出土中國古
            Portuguese came to Africa. From the end of the Xuande   代外銷瓷與海上絲綢之路研究》”(項目批准號:15ZDB057
            reign to the early years of the Chenghua reign (1436–65),   )的成果之一。本研究得到指南針計劃專項項目“東非地區
            there was an extremely low level of Chinese ceramic   出土中國古代外銷瓷的綜合研究”的資助。 This article is
            production and trade and we found very few shards from   one of the outcomes of a major research project funded by
            this period in Kenya. However, starting from the Chenghua   the China National Social Science Fund: ‘The Study on

                                                                  Ming Ceramics Discovered in Kenya and Some Related Issues | 251
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