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scholarship tends to refer to the Laud rutter. It was reprinted in   燈籠星十指,取塔巴里付山,沿山一更,取小赤塔密儿,取水,巡山
               1961 as the first of two navigational manuals in Xiang Da 1961b.   使单坤二十更,取阿丹碼頭.
            3  Xiang Da 1961b, 22.                             11  Xiang Da 1961b, 80–1: 開船乾戌, ,離石欄外,水十五托,单亥五
            4  Zhang Xie 1981.                                    更,取白礁外過,乾亥五更平希星山,单乾二十更,看北辰五指一
            5  Brook 2010, 93–4.                                  角,燈籠十指一角,平莽角雙儿,過.礁頭開洋,辛戌五十更,看北辰
            6  For the dating and authorship of the Selden map, see Brook 2013,   六指三角,燈籠八指三角,单辛七十更,看北斗七指三角,燈籠七指
               169–73.                                            三角,取祖法儿碼頭,泊船是也.
            7  Manguin 2009.                                   12  Zhang Xie explains in the introduction to the ninth chapter of
            8  The speed of 6¼ knots has been widely used by Ming historians. At   Dongxi yang kao that a tuo 托, here translated as ‘fathom’, was
               that speed, a ship would cover 150 nautical miles in 24 hours.   defined locally as the distance between your hands with your arms
               Xiang Da, however, considered 4 knots a more realistic estimate   outstretched.
               for Ming junks. Equivalent to a daily distance of 100 nautical miles,   13  Xiang Da 1961b, 78–9. Asterisks indicate that a place name is
               this is a rate I find more accurate for reading the Selden map; see   romanised from Chinese characters. On the identification of
               the discussion in Brook 2013, 95, 162.             Diewei as Tiwi, the region southeast of Muscat, see Mills 1970, 222.
            9  On the earlier export of Chinese porcelain to Hormuz, see   14  Mao Yuanyi 1628, 240.20a–b. On the identification of Jialaha as
               Sjostrand and Barnes 2001.                         Kalhat/Qalhat, see Mills 1970, 188.
            10  Xiang Da 1961, 80: 開船乾亥,離石欄外,水十五托,看北斗星四        15  Xiang Da 1961b, 22.
               指,看燈籠星十一指半,单亥五更取白礁外過,乾戌五更平希星峪,                  16  Brook 2008, 84–116.

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