Page 8 - China's Renaissance in Bronze, The Robert H.CIague Collection of Later Chinese Bronzes 1100-1900
P. 8

Phoenix Art  Museum
                       25 September  1993 -  30 January  1994

                      The  exhibition  is organized  by the  Phoenix Art  Museum  and  is  supported
                       by  Northern  Trust  Bank  of  Arizona.

                       Editors  -  Claudia  Brown  and Anne  Gully
                       Design  -  Thomas  Detrie
                       Photography  -  Craig  Smith
                       Film Setting  -  Typography  Unlimited,  Inc.
                       Color  Separations  -  American  Color
                       Lithography  -  Prisma Graphic  Corporation
                       Binding -  Roswell  Bookbinding

                       Cover  -  Circular  Gui-shaped  Censer,  Hu Wenming,  [12] detail

                       Copyright  1993
                      The  Phoenix Art  Museum
                       1625  North  Central  Avenue
                       Phoenix  AZ  85004-1685
                      All  Rights  Reserved
                       Printed  in the  United  States  of  America

                       Library  of Congress  Cataloging-in-Publication  Data
                       Mowry,  Robert  D.
                       China's  Renaissance  in Bronze: the  Robert  H. Clague  Collection  of  Later
                       Chinese  Bronzes,  1100-1900.  Robert  D.  Mowry.
                            256  p   26.7  cm
                            Includes  bibliographical  references.
                            ISBN  0-910407-29-0
                       1.  Bronzes,  Chinese  -  Sung-Yuan  dynasties,  960-1368 -  exhibitions.
                      2.  Bronzes, Chinese -  Ming-Ch'ing dynasties,1368-1912  -  exhibitions.
                      3. Clague,  Robert  -  art  collections  -  exhibitions.
                      4.  Bronzes  -  private  collections  -  Arizona  -  exhibitions.
                             I.  Phoenix Art  Museum.
                            II.  Title.
                            NK7983.4.M69   1993    93-20881
                            739.5' 12  -  dc20     CIP
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