Page 10 - China's Renaissance in Bronze, The Robert H.CIague Collection of Later Chinese Bronzes 1100-1900
P. 10


                              ORE  THAN  EIGHT  HUNDRED   Y E A R S  A G O ,  Chinese  artisans  set  in
                              motion  a revival  of  bronze  casting that  would  last  until the  twen-
                      M tieth      century.  Emulating  the  exquisitely  cast  ritual  vessels  from
                      China's  great  Bronze  Age,  which  began  around  1600  BC,  these  artisans
                      created  superb  works  that  echo  the  shapes  and  motifs  of  antiquity  but
                      infuse into them  new patterns,  new functions,  and even new meanings.  We
                      are  grateful  to  the  Northern  Trust  Bank  of  Arizona  for  its  support  which
                      enables the  Phoenix Art  Museum  to  explore  this  rekindling  of the  bronze
                      tradition  in the  exhibition  China's  Renaissance  in  Bronze:  The  Robert  H.
                      Clague  Collection  of  Later  Chinese  Bronzes,  1100-1900.
                            Within the  past fifteen years,  Robert  H. Clague  has  become  interna-
                      tionally  known  for  his  collecting  of  Chinese  art.  In  1980,  the  Phoenix  Art
                      Museum organized  Chinese  Cloisonne:  The  Robert  H. Clague  Collection,  the
                      Museum's  first  travelling  exhibition  of  Asian  art.  That  exhibition  coincided
                      with the founding  of the Museum's Asian department  and the  appointment
                      of its first curator  of Asian art, Claudia Brown, who wrote the catalog for the
                      exhibition.  Chinese  Cloisonne  later  travelled  to  fourteen  museums  in  the
                      United  States  and Asia.  That  collection  of cloisonne  enamels from  the  Ming
                      (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties  is now a part of the Museum's  per-
                      manent  collection.  In subsequent  years,  Robert  Clague  and  his  wife  Amy
                      were  instrumental  in founding the  museum's Asian Arts  Council, which  has
                      supported  programs  in Asian  art,  one  of  the  museum's  major  areas  of
                      emphasis.  In 1987, the  Phoenix Art  Museum  organized  Chinese  Glass  of  the
                      Qing  Dynasty:  The  Robert  H.  Clague  Collection,  its  catalog  co-authored
                      by  Claudia  Brown  and  Donald  Rabiner, who  was  professor  of  art  history  at
                      Arizona  State  University  until  his  death  in  1992.  Chinese  Glass  opened  in
                      Phoenix  and then travelled to  Milwaukee,  San Antonio  and Tokyo; the  col-
                      lection  is  now  permanently  in the  Hong  Kong  Museum  of Art.  The  Clague
                      collection  of  bronzes  now  offers  an  opportunity  to  investigate  the  intri-
                      cacies  of the bronze caster's art  in a superb group  of works dating from the
                      Song  (960-1279) through the  late Qing  dynasty.
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