Page 29 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
P. 29

The current lot on view at the Chang Foundation Museum, 1993
                                            是件拍品 1993 年在鴻禧美術館展覽時的情況

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         Compare with an example, similar to the present lot, with only   比較一件與是件拍品裝飾紋樣極為相似之良渚文化類似件,
         one register of masks and linear designs of Liangzhu jade   只有一層之四角均刻有一對獸面眼睛,其刊載於《良渚文化
         cong, in the Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and
         Archaeology and illustrated in Liangzhu wenhua yuqi, Hong   玉器》,香港,1989 年,頁 30,圖版編號 39,另外還可參考
         Kong, 1989, p. 30, no. 39. Compare also another similarly   一件藏於倫敦大英博物館的類似件,但其高度略矮,寬度較
         carved Liangzhu cong of shorter height and wider width from   大。見 Jessica Rawson,《Chinese Jade-from the Neolithic to the
         the British Museum, which is included in Jessica Rawson,   Qing》,1995 年,倫敦,圖版編號 3:2,頁 126。
         Chinese Jade-from the Neolithic to the Qing, London, 1995, pl.
         3:2, p. 126.

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