Page 31 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
P. 31


         A RARE WHITE JADE FOUR-TIERED                     良渚文化   約公元前3300-2300年   白玉獸面紋琮
         ‘ANIMAL MASK’ CONG                                來源
         LIANGZHU CULTURE, CIRCA 3300-2300 BC              1988年購於香港
         The cong is of square cross section surrounding a cylindrically   展覽
         hollowed tube to the centre with rounded square corners, and
         tapers slightly from top to bottom. The sides are divided into   聚英雅集,《抱璞怡陶:中國新石器時代的陶器與玉器》,
         four registers with a stylised mask at each of the four corners,   2001年10月6-10日,圖版90號
         comprising two long bars above a shorter bar and flanked by two   著錄
         incised circles.                                  張偉華主編,《抱璞怡陶:中國新石器時代的陶器與玉器》,
         5º in. (13.3 cm.) high, box
         HK$800,000-1,200,000           US$110,000-150,000
         Acquired in Hong Kong, 1988

         The Taiwan Antique Dealers’ Association, Pottery and Jades of
         China’s Neolithic Age, Taipei, 6-10 October 2001
         Chang Wei-Hwa ed., Pottery and Jades of China’s Neolithic Age,
         Taipei, 2001, pl. 90, p. 107

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