Page 47 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
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fig. 1  Collection of the Shanxi Museum  fig. 2  Sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 29 November 2017, lot 2722
                          圖一  山西博物院藏品                             圖二  2017 年 11 月 29 日於香港佳士得拍買,拍品 2722

         2712 Continued
         Monster-like human face jades, with bulging eyes and   如是件白玉神祖像般,具大臣字眼、三角形鼻、呲嘴獠牙、頭
         protruding teeth features, are closely related to the decoration   戴鳥冠及耳飾圓珥的形象,很有可能與石家河文化相關。1955
         of jades of the Shijiahe culture from Hubei province. A number
         of similar examples excavated in 1955 and 1981 at Shijiahe   及 1981 年在石家河文化遺址即出土數件相似的早期玉器,其刊
         culture sites are illustrated in Du Jinpeng, ‘Shijiahe yudiao   載於杜金鵬,〈石家河文化玉雕神像〉,《江漢考古》,1993
         shenxiang qianshuo’, Jianghan kaogu [Jianghan Archaeology],   年 3 月,頁 51-59;另有一件自山西曲沃縣羊舌村一座早期晉
         1993 March, pp. 51-59; another very similar example (fig. 1),   侯大墓出土的玉神人頭像(圖一),且有一展翅鳥冠立於頭頂,
         also with a bird-form crown, unearthed in 2006 from the tomb   其與是件拍品極為相似,並刊載於王青,〈試論早期中國幾種
         of Marquis Jin in Yangshe village, Quwo county, is illustrated
         in Wang Qing, ‘’Shilun zaoqi Zhongguo jizhong zhuangshi   裝飾神靈形象的組合式玉器:從山西羊舌晉侯墓出土的一件遺
         shenling xingxiang de zuheshi yuqi’, Cultural Relics of Central   玉說起〉,《中原文物》,2018 年 4 月,頁 52。而這兩篇文章
         China, 2018 April, p. 52. The cited articles discuss and compare   均詳盡討論新石器時代出土的多件玉神組像,包括藏於倫敦大
         these human mask jades from different archaeological sites   英博物館的玉神人頭像,載於 Jessica Rawson,《Chinese Jade-
         in the Neolithic period in detail, and include an example from   from the Neolithic to the Qing》,倫敦,1995 年,頁 37。類似
         the British Museum, which is illustrated in Jessica Rawson,
         Chinese Jade-from the Neolithic to the Qing, London, 1995,    件還可參考香港佳士得 2017 年 11 月 29 日拍品 2722 的一件玉
         p. 37. Compare also to a very rare celadon jade plaque carved   神人面像,其亦同為養德堂所珍藏(圖二)。
         with an anthropomorphic face, also from the Yangdetang
         Collection sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 29 November 2017,
         lot 2722 (fig. 2).

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