Page 50 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
P. 50

               A CELADON JADE DISC, BI                           夏家店下層文化   約公元前 2200-1600 年   青玉璧
               LOWER XIAJIADIAN CULTURE,                         來源
               CIRCA 2200-1600 BC                                養德堂珍藏,台北,入藏於 1999 年以前
               The surfaces of the jade ring are well smoothed. It is perforated
               with two pairs of small holes with a narrow slit cut through the   展覽
               side to allow two separated sections to be tied together. Traces of   國立故宮博物院,《羣玉別藏續集》,台北,1999 年,
               tool marks can be seen on one side. The jade is of an even pale   圖版 39 號
               celadon tone with cloudy white flecks.
               5 in. (12.8 cm.) diam., box                       著錄
                                                                 鄧淑蘋,《羣玉別藏續集》,台北,1999 年,圖版 39 號,
               HK$100,000-150,000               US$13,000-19,000  頁 113
               The Yangdetang Collection, Taipei, acquired prior to 1999

               National Palace Museum, Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic Chinese
               Jades, Taipei, 1999, Catalogue, pl. 39
               Teng Shu-p’ing, Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic Chinese Jades,
               Taipei, 1999, pl. 39, p.113

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