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               2729                                              2730
               A BROWN JADE ‘DRAGON’                             A CELADON JADE ‘DRAGON’ DISC, BI
               PENDANT, HUANG                                    MID-WESTERN ZHOU DYNASTY,
               LATE SHANG DYNASTY,                               CIRCA MID-10TH-MID-9TH-CENTURY BC
               CIRCA 14TH-MID-11TH CENTURY BC                    The jade disc is carved on both sides with profiles of dragon heads
                                                                 and joined by scroll motifs. The contours and details are rendered
               The stone is of a brown tone with areas of calcification. It is an
               arched pendant formed as a dragon with finely incised details on   with double-line grooves.
               both sides. Drilled holes can be seen at either end.  23 in. (6.1 cm.) diam., box
               3æ in. (9.7 cm.) long, box                        HK$120,000-180,000              US$16,000-23,000
               HK$60,000-80,000                  US$7,700-10,000  PROVENANCE
                                                                 The Yangdetang Collection, Taipei, acquired prior to 1999
               The Yangdetang Collection, Taipei, acquired prior to 1999  EXHIBITED
                                                                 National Palace Museum, Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic Chinese
               National Palace Museum, Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic Chinese   Jades, Taipei, 1999, Catalogue, pl. 51
               Jades, Taipei, 1999, Catalogue, pl. 117           LITERATURE
                                                                 Teng Shu-p’ing, Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic Chinese Jades,
               LITERATURE                                        Taipei, 1999, pl. 51, p.128
               Teng Shu-p’ing, Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic Chinese Jades,
               Taipei, 1999, pl. 117, p.194
                                                                 西周中期  青玉龍紋璧
               商晚期   褐玉龍紋璜                                       來源
               來源                                                養德堂珍藏,台北,入藏於 1999 年以前
               養德堂珍藏,台北,入藏於1999 年以前                              展覽
               展覽                                                國立故宮博物院,《羣玉別藏續集》,台北,1999 年,
               國立故宮博物院,《羣玉別藏續集》,台北,1999年,圖版                      圖版 51 號
               117號                                              著錄

               著錄                                                鄧淑蘋,《羣玉別藏續集》,台北,1999 年,圖版 51 號,
               鄧淑蘋,《羣玉別藏續集》,台北,1999年,圖版117號,                     頁 128

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