Page 65 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
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2726                                              2727

         A CELADON JADE CRESTED                            A YELLOW JADE BEE-FORM
         MYTHICAL BIRD PENDANT                             PENDANT
         LATE SHANG DYNASTY,                               WESTERN ZHOU DYNASTY (C. 1100-771 BC)
         CIRCA 14TH-MID-11TH CENTURY BC                    The bee-form pendant has a pointed head and bifurcated tail. A
         The flattened jade is carved in the form of a bird shown in profile,   horizontal perforation is drilled through the pointed proboscis.
         depicted with a hooked beak a large crest with notched edges,   22 in. (5.6 cm.) long, box
         and a rounded breast above a bifurcated tail and a bent leg with   HK$60,000-80,000   US$7,700-10,000
         terminating in a small pointed tab.
         3º in. (8.5 cm.) long, box                        PROVENANCE
                                                           The Yangdetang Collection, Taipei, acquired prior to 1999
         HK$150,000-260,000              US$20,000-33,000
         PROVENANCE                                        National Palace Museum, Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic Chinese
         Acquired in Taipei, September 1986                Jades, Taipei, 1999, Catalogue, pl. 103
         Similar bird-form pendants have been excavated from the   LITERATURE
         late Shang dynasty tomb of Fuhao at Anyang, including two   Teng Shu-p’ing, Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic Chinese Jades,
         that are illustrated in Yinxu Yuqi (Jades from the Yin Sites at   Taipei, 1999, pl. 103, p.180
         Anyang), Beijing, 1982, pls. 44 and 57. Although the present lot
         is shown with unfinished carvings to both sides, there are clear   This form of insect is common among Shang and Western
         similarities to the form and carving style. They are all depicted   Zhou animal jades. It tends to be short and compact during
         with a closely related tall crested crown with notched edges,   the Shang period, later becoming gradually more elongated.
         hooked beaks and protruding rounded breast.
                                                           西周   玉蜂形珮
         商晚期   玉鳥形珮
         來源                                                養德堂珍藏,台北,入藏於1999 年以前

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