Page 61 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
P. 61

         A JADE MASK-FORM ORNAMENT                         商   玉面紋飾
         SHANG DYNASTY (C. 1600-1100 BC)                   來源
         The ornament of triangular cross section is carved to the surface   1999年以前購自台北一言堂
         with a stylised animal mask, depicted with round eyes and horns.
         15 in. (4 cm.) wide, box                          著錄
         HK$80,000-150,000               US$11,000-19,000  震旦藝術博物館,《商代玉器》,台北,2010年,
         PROVENANCE                                        圖版108號,頁155
         Acquired from E Yuan Tang Chinese Art, Taipei, prior to 1999

         Chang Foundation Museum, Ancient Jade from the Yangde Tang
         Collection, Taipei, 1993, p.8
         Aurora Art Museum, Jades of Shang Dynasty, 2010, Taipei, pl. 108,
         p. 155

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