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         2720 Continued

         The owl is a decorative motif which commonly appears on   鴞是商代青銅器上常見的重要主題。青銅器可以鑄成鴟鴞的形
         bronze vessels from the Shang dynasty. The bronze vessels   狀或在其上將鴞的形象呈現於青銅器上。除青銅器外,商代其
         can be made in the form of an owl or covered with owl motifs,
         a phenomenon which is paralleled in jades. Fu Hao’s tomb   它如玉或大理石的材質也會應用鴞的形象來裝飾。商代殷墟婦
         contains a pair of bird-form bronze vessels. An owl-form zun in   好墓曾出土數件鴞形青銅器。倫敦大英博物館內亦藏有一鴞形
         the British Museum, dated to the Shang dynasty, is illustrated   尊,刊於 William Watson,《Ancient Chinese Bronzes》,倫敦,
         by William Watson, Ancient Chinese Bronzes, London,1962, pl.   1962 年,圖版 13a 號。另外在維多利亞及艾伯特博物館與日本
         13a. Two other owl-form zun dated to the Shang period are   神戶白鶴美術館亦各藏一件鴞形青銅尊,見同上,
         housed in the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Hakutsuru
         Museum, Kobe, and are included in ibid. pls. 36b and 36c.   圖版 36b 和 36 號。
         This rare early jade carving is inspired by owl-form bronze   此外,婦好墓亦出土多件鴞形玉件,包括一件尺寸高 6.5 公分,
         vessels of the same period. A closely related jade owl of larger   較本拍品稍大的玉鴞,其下部有鑽孔痕,頭後方亦有鑽有兩孔
         size (6.5 cm. high) and with a pair of rounded ears was found   互通,見《中國玉器全集:商 ‧ 西周》,第 2 冊,河北,1993
         in Fuhao’s tomb in Anyang, illustrated in ‘Shang. Western   年,頁 65,圖版編號 82。考古學家鄭振香認為,此種作法或可
         Zhou’, Zhongguo yuqi quanji (Compendium of Chinese Jade),
         vol. 2, Hebei, 1993, p. 65, no. 82. The Fuhao jade owl also has   將玉鴞作懸掛或將其插嵌在其他飾品上使用,見同上頁 247,圖
         a drill hole on the underside and two holes on the back of the   版編號 82。另有數件婦好墓出土的圓雕玉鴞,如一件青玉素面
         head. Archaeologist Zheng Zhenxiang suggests that the item   鴞,載於 1981 年北京出版的《殷墟玉器》,圖版編號 66(402);
         could have been used as a pendant or a mount. (see ibid., p.247,   兩件滿工的玉鴞,載於同上,圖版編號 54 及 56(465);一件
         no. 82) Several other owl-form jade carvings were found in the   羊角玉鴞,見同上,圖版編號 55(508);及一件虎頭玉鴞,
         Fuhao tomb, such as: a celadon jade owl with plain surface
         illustrated in Jades from the Yin Sites at Anyang, Beijing, 1981,   見同上,圖版編號 56 (990)。值得注意的是,殷墟西北崗王陵區
         fig. 66 (402); two fully-embellished examples illustrated in   1001 號大墓出有一件 34 公分高的大理石鴞形立雕,載於台北
         ibid., figs. 54 and 56 (465); another with ram’s horns illustrated   1998 年出版的《來自碧落與黃泉》,頁 32,圖版編號 15,足見
         in ibid., fig. 55 (508); and one with a tiger’s head illustrated in   鴟鴞在商人心目中的崇高地位。
         ibid., fig. 56 (990). It is important to note that a large marble
         carving of an owl (34 cm. high) was found in Tomb 1001 in the
         Shang Kings’ burial ground in the Xibeigang, Anyang, and is
         illustrated in A Harvest of New Scholarship, Taipei, 1998, p. 32,
         no. 15.

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