Page 10 - Christie's Hong Kong November 29, 2022 Fine Chinese Works of Art
P. 10
2904 Continued
Known as a bianhu, or “flattened hu”, this impressive wine jar represents a new
interpretation of the hu jar introduced in the fifth or early fourth century BC, during
the Warring States period (c. 475 BC–221 BC); in fact, it would come to rank among
the most iconic vessels of the period. Not only is the shape new, but so is the crisply-
cast decorative scheme, which features panels of abstract decoration as well as inlays
of copper and silver. The virtually identical bianhu jar excavated at Shangcunling,
Sanmenxia, Henan province, provides archaeological confirmation of this jar’s
Warring States-period origins. Moreover, this impressive vessel has been published
by such eminent specialists in Chinese art as William Watson (1917–2007), John
Ayers (1922–2021), and Jessica Rawson, and it has passed through the hands of such
distinguished collectors as Captain Vivian Frances Bulkeley-Johnson (1891–1968) of
Oxfordshire, UK, who assembled the Mount Trust Collection, and, more recently,
of Bella and P.P. Chiu of Hong Kong and San Francisco (Bella Ma Chiu), who
formed the Shanhailou Collection of Ancient Chinese Bronzes. With kinship to
archaeologically attested vessels, with an impressive record of scholarly publications,
and with a distinguished provenance, this bianhu truly is a rare treasure.
For the complete illustrated essay, please visit
代 (約公元前475至221年) 扁壺面世以來,對這一形制的全新詮釋;誠然,它
嶺出土的扁壺與之大同小異,堪可視為斷代為戰國製品的考古依據。 再者,
此壺曾著錄於知名的中國藝術專家如華威廉 (William Watson,1917至2007
年) 、 艾爾斯 (John Ayers,1922至2021年) 及羅森 (Jessica Rawson) 之學術
專論,而且經手者俱為鑑藏界泰斗,早年有英國華威郡布禎昕上尉 (Captain
Vivian Frances Bulkeley-Johnson,1891至1968年,「蒙特信託珍藏 (Mount
Trust Collection)」創辦人),較近期的有香港與舊金山的趙不波 (P.P. Chiu)
與馬瑞貞 (Bella Ma Chiu) 伉儷,後者共同創立了「趙氏山海樓古青銅器珍